The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Sites added by landells

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Site Site type
BandrumStanding Stones
BogleysStanding Stone / Menhir
Cleaven DykeCursus
CollessieStanding Stone / Menhir
Creich ManseStone Circle
Drumcarrow CraigBroch
EarlseatStanding Stone / Menhir
Easter PitcorthieStanding Stone / Menhir
EyreStanding Stones
GlassmountStanding Stones
Law HeadCairn(s)
Ninestane RiggStone Circle
Norrie's LawCairn(s)
North WoodCairn(s)
OrwellStanding Stones
PitcorthieStanding Stone / Menhir
StaredamStanding Stones
StrathendryStanding Stone / Menhir
The Cat Stane (Edinburgh)Standing Stone / Menhir
TuilyiesStanding Stones
Wemyss Caves - The Court CaveCave / Rock Shelter
Witch's StoneStanding Stone / Menhir
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