Cana Henge (Saturday, 22.11.03)
This is no longer named on OS maps, but the 1854-56 map calls it Cana (see That map also describes it as a camp and calls the building to its SE Cana Barn.
Cana Barn seems an ideal place to park, and the footpath, jinking left then forward, takes you past a field of very high cabbages, then to a pea field. Somewhere in this pea field the henge must lie, but there are no indications, and the contour of the land, sloping gently away westwards, makes it an unlikely henge site (level ground being the norm).
The old map places it firmly in this field, though the Getmapping aerial photograph (see shows nothing. I can’t help wondering if the henge was misplaced on the old map and should be further east, half in the field on the other side of the pathway. This would then place it on level ground.
Some way into the pea field is a slightly raised area, and I dowsed the energy flow as passing over this in a NNWSSE direction, with a width of 14 paces (about 7 yards). If the old map is right, this raised area is probably the henge’s eastern bank. (But if my level-ground guess is right, it might be the western bank.)
The energy line seems to have a few effects on neighbouring vegetation. The hedge north of the pea field has a 7 yard gap exactly where the line goes. The cabbages in the field south of the pea field have a yard-wide no-growth pathway running through them which exactly coincides with the energy line.
All in all: no henge visible, but energy detectable – so that’s half a result.
(See Hutton Moor Henge for notes on dowsing.)