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St. Peter's Church, Farnborough — Images (click to view fullsize)

<b>St. Peter's Church, Farnborough</b>Posted by sjl

Brentmoor Heath Barrows (Round Barrow(s)) — Images

<b>Brentmoor Heath Barrows</b>Posted by sjl<b>Brentmoor Heath Barrows</b>Posted by sjl

Hornley Common Barrow (Round Barrow(s)) — Fieldnotes

Hidden away in one apex of a St. Andrews cross of paths by Blackdown Lodge. The lodge (on army ground) stands in one apex, the barrow is in the opposite one.
Missed this completely the first time I went to look as I thought it was on the other side of the army's fence !
Largely overgrown with several large depressions in the top, but still worth seeking out.

Easiest to park at the Hawley Lake sailing centre and walk from there.

Brentmoor Heath Barrows (Round Barrow(s)) — Fieldnotes

Hard to distinguish, mainly overgrown with heather. Live badger set into largest barrow. More impressive when there than in photograph. Close to Chobam Ridge - sarcen occurs here naturally.
Wildife Trust sign says "Bronze Age Burial Mounds... 4,000 yrs of human history....these are bowl barrows.... unusual to find 4 together and this is the only example in Surrey...built at same time because traces of a ditch survive which surrounds the barrows. Not many burial mounds in Surrey have survived so well."
Recumbant Sarcen (rough size 5' x 4' x 18')
A spectacular place to visit!
notes by Collette

St. Peter's Church, Farnborough — Fieldnotes

Recumbent sarcens (2 of 6ft x 2ft x 1ft) outside church, circular church yard on site tumulus? Sarcen in foundations, varies pieces of sarcen around grounds, some 4ft "posts".

Absolutely amazing place! The church has an unusual square wooden tower. Sign proclaims church to have stood there for 1000 yrs. Graveyard circular and definitely looks like an earlier earthwork. Highest point around. 2 large sarcens just outside gate, church sign has sarcens at base, much of the foundation clearly contains sarcen, abutment of NW wall too. A path to the North of the church through trees looks to have sarcens underfoot, sarcen debris under large yew on NE of church including 4 "posts" 4' x 18' x 87' and large( 3' dia) sarcen boulder.

Albert Road Barrow (Round Barrow(s)) — Miscellaneous

In Arthur Lunn's interesting little book on Sarsens in Hampshire, specifically around Cove, Farnborough, he makes an interesting statement about a ley line running through Tower Hill, Cove (the book is about the existence of a stone circle on Tower Hill now, unfortunately long gone) The line runs from Hornley Common barrow (just behind Blackdown Lodge on an army barracks and sadly inaccessible) through a recumbant sarsen stone on West Heath (of which I have been unable to find - I wonder if it's been swallowed by the motorway) past Tower Hill and on to Albert Road barrow. The line is very close to mid-summer sunrise and mid-winter sunset.
The barrow is in someone's garden now, but still nicely visible from the road.
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