Yes, from the photographs this looks very much like the 'circle' I described back in 2002 posting on the Pikestones page: The alignment with Smithills Moor (Winter Hill) and the plantation treeline in the near distance appear to agree with my observations. No GPS in those days!
Here's an aerial view, sacle 1:10 000 from the Multimap site. I've not published the image here due to copyright, so follow the link below:
Aerial View
What are the broad tracks? Peat extraction perhaps? When you're on the ground the difference in levels is small, in the order of three to six inches or so.
Len Derby refers to: 'A blown-up reproduction of an old picture postcard shows a strange statue perched on one of the walls of the Lud's Church gully.' According to my girlfriend's father who visited the site in the 1930s, there was a ship's figurehead fixed to the rock just inside the entrance of Lud's church. This sounds very similar to the youth hostel painting.
I think the site was excavated mid 20 C. From what I remember, some of the artefacts are on display in Bolton Museum.
Stone circle near Pikestones, but not on 1:25000 OS map. The circle is approximately 10 metres in diameter with a central stone of 0.5 metre in height. The locaton is about 300 metres from Pikestones on a bearing of 58 degrees. NGR: SD 630 174. I have no other details at present, I just found it by chance when walking in the area today.
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