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Long Meg & Her Daughters (Stone Circle) — Fieldnotes

We visited Long Meg on the 9th of Feb,2002,in the driving rain.The first things which struck us were the beautiful,old trees,with fluttering prayer ties.One of the oaks in the circle has recently lost a large,central bough,the remain of which lies,shattered,at its feet.It still retains its vitality,though,even if the splintered,yellow wood looks shocking.
The road through the circle didn't upset me,the way I had expected it to,as its curve gave a crescent moon quality to the place.The different types of stone,some smooth,some gnarly,some jagged,some pockmarked or crisscrossed with quartz,got my mind to thinking about the mystery of our island's "erratics",something which stone circles draw me back to,again and again.The gathering of these odd stones seems to be as important as the structured they are placed in.
Long Meg,herself,felt like an add-on,much younger than her so-called daughters.I,too,felt that there was a missing partner.Whatever,this is a special site.Not even the bitter cold,and driving rain,could disguise that.Visit Long Meg.I am lucky to be working nearby for 2 weeks,in March.Maybe I will get the chance to see if the stone my daughter named the "Sunbathing Stone"is aptly named.See you there!
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