Dragon Hill is the podium in the open air nightclub of Uffington – Imagine the horse/dragon under the moon-strobes
fat elvis
My first visit on a beautiful March day. Found through curiosity a good approach to the site – when coming down the Ridgeway from Uffington castle there are woods either side of the path, once you have crossed the final road before the Wayland's site – jump over the ditch and go into the woods on your left – there is a great straight avenue of trees to follow and the site can be seen appearing to your right – go back over the ditch through the gate and to the tomb
I checked out the parallell sides "trick" mentioned below – subtle, interesting
I particularly liked the sympathetic arrangement of trees around the tomb especially the four corner trees – if you go to the front and walk backwards the two back-end trees are framed nicely between the two front megaliths.
At the foot of one of the back-corner trees daffodils (I think) were coming up;
the dead are dead, but spring's begun
the old make way for blooded young
...over a year now since we visited the lonely Giant's Grave, but it has stayed with me. It really just is two rocks in a field but shouldn't be ignored. As we walked away up to the Lacra complex I felt the presence of the two stones all the way, and kept checking back to see them, tiny but eminently visible in the landscape, as we trekked up the hill. Not much left to see at the Lacra circles except the views of the sea and Black Combe's westerly looming – a pleasant spot to hang out though. The pull of the Giant's Grave clung on; I can't help but feel we should have gone the other way – from the hilltop down to the gate way like stones and on to where...