Emma A

Emma A

All posts expand_more 51-73 of 73 posts


Just picked up a map and guide to the area around Elton (a village nearby), produced by Elton Local HIstory Group, which says:
“South-west of Robin Hood’s Stride, next to the path behind Wattscliffe quarry, look for the stone foundation of a small, circular Romano-British building, thought to be a shepherd’s hut.”

Image of Carnasserie (Stone Row / Alignment) by Emma A


Stone Row / Alignment

We came to these on the way back to Carnasserie Castle car park from Ormaig. They look really close together from that angle, until you get up to them and then realise that they are a couple of metres apart.

Image credit: Emma Alsop
Image of Ormaig (Cup and Ring Marks / Rock Art) by Emma A


Cup and Ring Marks / Rock Art

View of the rock art in its context – if you follow the line of spruce trees from the right of the photo to where they end, the rock art is in a grassy patch below the last trees, between two patches of clear-felling.

Image credit: Emma Alsop


United Kingdom
The Heritage Journal

Spot the stone circle competition!

Can you recognise any of these stone circles from the aerial photos?
A friend just emailed me this link so thought I’d share it on here if anyone wants to have a go. Good luck!

Image of Norbury Camp (Upper Coberley) (Hillfort) by Emma A

Norbury Camp (Upper Coberley)


The bank can be clearly seen on the left (husband and dog provide scale) and it continues on the right of the track too, just visible behind the trees. There is a substantial ditch on the right as well. I don’t know whether the bank has been cut by the newer track or whether the track has always had an entrance there.

Image credit: Emma Alsop

Norbury Camp (Upper Coberley)

I come here quite regularly and see more of the hill fort each time I come!

It’s marked by Victorian beech trees – while they are good for marking the layout of the banks and ditches, they do obscure photos! The banks and ditch sweep round in an arc and act as the field boundary, which is planted with rape at the moment. I mistook it for just a field boundary on previous visits which is part of the reason I’d never managed to see much before!

It’s a lovely walk up there though, easily accessible if you park just off the road from Colesbourne to Hilcot (off the A435 Chelt to Ciren road) and walk up the gently sloping track. Skylarks and woodpeckers provided our soundtrack today.

Also worth seeing (although not strictly within the remit of this website!), is the beautiful, little, unusual cottage further along the track. It’s like someting from a fairytale and you come up to it unexpectedly. I think it used to be a toll house.

Such a peaceful place: great views and no traffic noise (despite being fairly close to the A435).

Combend Farm

This barrow’s easy to see from the road that links Colesbourne to the A417. Elkstone village is visible behind it. I didn’t go right up to the barrow this time, but I have before. It’s a good one to visit if you fancy a drive in the countryside rather than a walk!

Green Low

I was quite awestruck by this place – I wasn’t expecting it to be so spectacular! I thought it’d be another grassy bump, but it’s like a mini Nympsfield (in Gloucestershire) with fewer people and better views. Possibly my enthusiasm is heightened by the fact that this is the only ancient site I have ever reached entirely on foot, so it felt like a proper adventure. (I like adventures!)

The horned forecourt is still visible and the entrance is aligned dead straight with the distinctive peak of Harboro’ Rocks – surely this can’t be a coincidence? Other sites which can be seen from the barrow or very near it include the edge containing the Bonsall Lane rock shelter, Aleck Low and Minninglow (surprise surprise). There are probably loads more too which I just don’t know of/recognise from a distance.

I did wonder about the stone with the hole in it which is part of the separation between passage and chamber. Was it chosen on purpose, maybe to let the spirits out? I don’t usually go in for spirits or ritual or lands of the living and dead etc, so maybe they chose it purely because it’s interesting and the right shape.