Hunebed D25, measuring 7.5 metres in length by 3.6 metres in width, is the biggest and best of the trio of hunebedden situated in woodland just over a kilometre west of the village of Bronneger and a hundred metres or so west of the two Grafheuvels (burial mounds).
This hunebed, unlike its two companions, D23 and D24, is quite intact, with four large capstones perched on eight sidestones. Two end stones complete the monument. There is no evidence that there ever existed either an entrance portal or a circle of kerbstones.
D25 appears rather squat and low in the ground, but this is because it is still surrounded by the remains of its earthen barrow: the sidestones could be up to two metres tall, but are almost totally buried under the ground.
Although never totally ruined, this hunebed did receive a degree of restoration from Professor van Giffen in 1960-61. However, it is believed never to have been excavated, so a wealth of grave goods could well remain within it (as was the case with the excavated D19 at Drouwen).