If your heading towards the Swastika Stone dont miss this one its right next to the path easily identifiable by its curious folded strata.
i counted several small cups one with a ring a couple of basins and a few grooves.
This post appears as part of the weblog entry Its A Fair Cup?
Bronze Age cup-and-ring marked stone (in situ).
SE 0907 4700. Cup & ring marked rock known as the Sepulchre Stone, Addingham Moorside. Scheduled RSM No 25352. A carved gritstone rock with conspicuous folded strata, measuring 8m x 7m x 2.3m. It is situated 4m N of the path along Addingham Moorside, between Piper Crag and Woodhouse Crag. The carving consists of several 'normal' cups, one with a ring, grooves and also some large basin-like cups.