This pair of neighbouring Bronze Age burial mounds, near Stafford, were being eroded by rabbits and agriculture before being excavated by Prof Gary Lock of Oxford Uni and the skilled workforce of Stoke on Trent Museum Archaeological Society... continues...
[SJ 96342389] TUMULUS [O.E.]. (1)
Nicholls mentions two barrows named 'King's Low' and 'Queen's Low' on Tixall Heath. This is probably one of them.
[See also SJ 92 SE 1]. (2)
"Lower Hanyards", Barrow, 65' diam. and 6' high. (3)
Ploughed down bowl barrow, 26 m. in average diam. & 0.6m. high. No visible ditch. Under pasture. This feature is shown as a pit (slopes reversed) on O.S. 6". (4)
This is Queen's Low. The authority for the name is Hardwood's Eardswick, 1844, p.70. (5)
This barrow has been further reduced by ploughing and is now 0.3m high. A farm track crosses it, but otherwiseit is under grass. Published survey (1:2500) correct. (6)
(SJ 96342390) Queen's Low(NR). (7)
Tixall:SJ 96342389. Queen's Low Barrow,badly damaged by ploughing; appears to be c.26m in diameter and 0.5m high.A second barrow knownas King's Low (SJ 92 SE 1) lies 1km to the west.A third barrow in this area has been mentioned but no trace of it can be found. (8)
( 1) Ordnance Survey Map (Scale / Date) OS 6" 1954.
( 2) General reference "History of N. Staffs", 1933, p.49. (R. Nicholls)
( 3) General reference V.C.H. Staffs, Vol.l, 1908, p.377. (C. Lynam)
( 4) Field Investigators Comments F1 VJB 24-FEB-58
( 5) General reference Letter (Mr.J.S.Horne, 2.3.58)
( 6) Field Investigators Comments F2 DJC 24-SEP-74
( 7) General reference OS 1:10 000 1973
( 8) General reference W Mid Arch 29 1986 CBA Gp 8 42-5
(SJ 95452373) Tumulus (NR). (1)
Circular mound. 120' diam. 9' high. (2)
Two barrows are mentioned by Nicholls as being on Tixall Heath. They are named 'King's Low' and 'Queen's Low' (This is probably one of them. See also SJ 92 SE 9). (3)
This is the barrow known as King's Low (a). Bowl barrow, 30.0m in diam and 1.8m high. No visible ditch. Tree planted. On the brow of a southern declivity. (4)
No change to previous information. Published survey (1:2500) correct. (5)
King's Low(NR). (6)
Tixall:SJ 95452373. King's Low. Barrow c 30.0m in diameter and 1.8m high.Planted with larch trees.A second barrow known as Queen's Low (SJ 92 SE 9) lies 1km to the east.A third barrow in this area has been mentioned but no trace of it can be found. (7)
( 1) Ordnance Survey Map (Scale / Date) OS 6" 1954
( 2) General reference VCH Staffs 1 1908 377
( 3) General reference Hist of N Staffs 1933 49 (R Nicholls)
( 4a) General reference (Mr S Horne Secretary Old Stafford Soc 24 St John's Rd Rowley Park, Stafford
( 4) Field Investigators Comments F1 VJB 17-JAN-58
( 5) Field Investigators Comments F2 DJC 24-SEP-74
( 6) General reference OS 1:10 000 1973
( 7) General reference W Mids Arch 29 1986 CBA Gp 8 42-5