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'Orkney Venus' is back home for the summer

Westray schoolchildren met Scotland's oldest face — the Orkney Venus — at the Westray Heritage Centre today, Friday, May 14. The children were the first visitors to the Westray exhibition, which opens to the public on Saturday, May 15.

The visit is part of the official opening of the exhibition, which sees the figurine return to Westray for the summer, after a tour of sites across Scotland.

During the day, the children from Pierowall school were joined by residents of the local care home, then, in the evening, there will be an open evening for the community at night.

The 5,000 year old figurine — known locally as the Westray Wife — attracted international interest when it was discovered last summer by archaeologists working on Historic Scotland's excavation at the Links of Noltland, in Westray.

The figurine is the only known Neolithic carving of a human form to have been found in Scotland.

The exhibition will run in Westray until October, before the carving completes its tour at the Orkney Museum, in Kirkwall.
goffik Posted by goffik
14th May 2010ce
Edited 14th May 2010ce

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