
Poundbury Hillfort

Poundbury Camp – "round Pummery" – is said to be Danish: on little evidence, for Celtic and Roman remains have been found in its now rather confused lines: but the Danes once wintered there during a prolonged raid. One other race also inhabited Pummery. From 1914 to 1918 it was filled with German prisoners of war. It was curious to come across the hills of the dead round Dorchester, in the utter dark, and see this old fortress of the ravaging Danes blazing with search-lights; curious also – to me, in the company of an official propagandist cinematographer – to see sturdy Germans in bizarre patched uniforms laughingly loading sacks into waggons, with the shopkeepers of the eighteenth-century street looking on, and cheerful farm girls in breeches helping them.
From the enthusiastically written 'Soul of Dorset' by FJ Harvey Darton (1922).

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