Kerbed Cairn
I've visited Hirnant a couple of times before. Yesterday I thought I'd pop up again after work and get some photos, but by the time we got there (about 8pm) it was nearly dark, so the end result isn't very good.
The field that the circle sits in is covered in a type of reed that is common around here, to the extent that (at this time of year) the stones are almost entirely obscured by undergrowth. I guess this is what Grendel was referring to in his last post.
Like Dolgamfa to the south, Hirnant is situated on a plateau above the Rheidol gorge (now partially flooded by the Dinas Reservoir). The name Hirnant means long stream in English, so there may be some echo of a connection between the river and the monument that has lasted down the years. As with Dolgamfa there are beautiful views of the surrounding hills from the circle.
Posted by Kammer
29th August 2002ce
Edited 10th November 2003ce