The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Worsthorne Hill

Stone Circle


The trouble with tractors is that they move! The blue tractor (roller) is still there, but there was no sign today of a beige one. Following the track north, take the left fork when it bifurcates, and follow it for about 20 yards into the landfill area. Leave the track and walk over to the left, in the direction of the farmhouse - you'll find the stones quite easily.

It's a small, but charming site. (I don't agree at all that it's a sorry site. Yes it is next to a landfill. Just look the other way - it's lovely.)

I wonder whether the summit of Pendle Hill has some importance here - signalling sunset at the summer solstice perhaps??
johnes Posted by johnes
25th March 2008ce
Edited 26th March 2008ce

Comments (1)

I'm coming at this from a few years later. I visited the site today, 29th November 2017. The field was/is a veritable quagmire (luckily, I had my boots and gators on [highly recommended for this place]). The old blue roller seems to be in the same place but the other slightly smaller vehicle has been moved to, what seems to be, the actual position of the stone circle (I'm not totally sure about this position of the stone circle as I only found 2 fairly substantial stones peeping out of the soil, right beside the smaller vehicle - probably about 30-40 metres forking left of the blue roller. Admittedly, I spent no time looking for the other stones. Sorry to say, I was fully underwhelmed by the site and very quickly lost interest in the stone circle. I was more attracted to the views of the surrounding landscape (Pendle Hill, Extwistle moor etc) as it was a beautiful sunny morning. Further up, in another field, the ringstones were rather more tangible and interesting than the somewhat elusive stone circle. Posted by PaulG
29th November 2017ce
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