The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian


Stone Circle


"This circle was comparatively complete
until about forty years ago. The recumbent stone remains in position,
but was shattered several years since by the kindling on it of a
Halloween fire. One of its side stones remains erect. The other is
thrown down; while beyond it, or two spaces or distances, a stone is standing in position, having been spared, as forming a handy rubbing
stone for cattle. One large stone had been removed, and laid length-
wise to form a good portion of a stone fence; another had been long since taken ' to be used as a bridge across a small burn; another had been
utilised for the keystone of a thrashing mill support. The form of this
enclosure seems to have been an oblong. From being able to identify
the exact spot, through one who had assisted at the removal of one of
the absent stones, sufficient data were obtained to realise the form and
size of the circle. The size of the single stone is considerably in excess
of the average, and when complete and standing in the skyline, the
circle must have formed an imposing object. So far as could be ascer-
tained this circle would appear to have been an exact counterpart of the
next to be noticed, situated about a mile east, viz Loudon Wood "

From the Proceedings of the Society of Scottish Antiquaries June 1885.
Chris Posted by Chris
6th October 2006ce

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