The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Rudston Monolith

Standing Stone / Menhir


"At Rudston, a village upon the Wolds, about five miles west of Bridlington, stands a obelisk worthy the attention of the antiquary. It is a single natural stone, of the same quality and shape, but of superior magnitude to the celebrated pillars near Boroughbridge. The entire height is not known but the elevation above ground is twenty nine feet, and it has been traced to a depth of twelve below without reaching foundation.
It stands in the church yard, on the north side of the church, and has some fissures on the top, which Mr Boswell of Thorpe Hall ordered to be covered with lead to prevent further injuries from the weather. The cause of its erection can not be ascertained, though it is generally agreed to have given its name to the town."

The History & Antiquities of Scarborough
Thomas Hinderwell
fitzcoraldo Posted by fitzcoraldo
15th August 2006ce
Edited 15th August 2006ce

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