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Caesar's Camp (Bracknell)



The hillfort was built around 700 BCE and was a northern outpost of the Atrebatic tribe, it shows no evidence of having been stormed by the Romans.

It consists of an inner bank, ditch and counterscarp with an extra ditch and bank around the southern ramparts where the approach to the fort is flatter.

The ramparts are breached in five places, only two (the east and west entrance) are thought to be original, corresponding to inturned ramparts. The southern entrance may have been created at the same time as the Queen Anne Gully (cut in 1702 for Queen Anne to ride through from Nine Mile Ride), the northern and north-eastern entrances are of unknown age.

There are several non-original earthworks inside the enclosure including the remains of a 19th Century Game-keepers cottage (now demolished), old gravel pits, and small hollows inside the southern ramparts possibly relating to the use of the area by Canadian and American troops during World War 2.

The enclosure was planted out with coniferous trees during the 1950's which have now been cleared and replaced with heathland plants. Parts of the ramparts have also been cleared of deciduous trees and sown with grass to minimise erosion.

Source of information: "Ceasar's Camp: Bracknell's Iron Age Hillfort", Berkshire County Council, April 1991.
hrothgar Posted by hrothgar
29th June 2004ce

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