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Circle henge


Man Explores Mystery of Stonehenge - Stone Moving

Flint-area resident taps 'forgotten technology' to move massive objects

FLINT — Some may find it odd that a 57-year-old man goes out into his yard to play with blocks.

But then, the blocks that Wallace T. Wallington moves around near his home in a rural Flint area weigh up to nearly 10 tons. And by himself, he moves these behemoth playthings, not with cranes and cables, but with wooden levers.

"It's more technique than it is technology," Wallington says. "I think the ancient Egyptians and Britons knew this."

Last October, a production crew from Discovery Channel in Canada came to Wallington's home to film him as he raised a 16-foot, rectangular concrete block that weighed 19,200 pounds and set it into a hole. That taping was made into a segment, which has aired on Discovery Canada and the Discovery Science program in the United States.

The project resulted in a column, standing more than 10 feet high in his yard. He says he intends to construct his own kind of Stonehenge — without cranes or any modern engines or machines. He believes that's the way ancient people moved and constructed the great landmarks of the world.

For the full story, vist...
Posted by BrigantesNation
2nd April 2004ce
Edited 2nd April 2004ce

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