The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Twist Castle & Barrow

Artificial Mound


A nice little hike to the top of Twist Hill for me and my dog When we reached the summit were greeted by 5 very beautiful Shire horses who follow me around and share my sandwiches which was a lovely touch on this gorgeously sunny day.
This is my first visit here and I certainly wasn't disappointed it's the Remains of another Farmstead mid to late Iron Age commanding excellent strategic views of the surrounding area it also overlooks an old sandstone quarry (which has got a little too close to the structure for my liking) and Swinden Reservoir I cant help but wonder what antiquities the reservoir has swallowed in its greed to quench our thirst. Twist castle is very peaceful consisting of two enclosures with more stone left than the ringstones and a couple of hundred yards away is a robbed and ruined Bronze Age barrow.
I sit here for a while being gently prodded by horse heads, my dogs a little unsure of the Horses so I decide to set off in search of Delf Hill Stone Circle
treehugger-uk Posted by treehugger-uk
26th March 2004ce
Edited 26th March 2004ce

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