The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Ring Stones

Ring Cairn


First visited this site in summer 2003. I wasn't quite sure what it was; A few curved banks and ditches with seemingly erraticly placed stones on top at irregular intervals.

Coming back here in winter though does make a difference because the banks and ditches are much more prominent. We have some unusual sites here in Lancashire. I'm not quite sure what this is but it seems to have carried on into the next field (but has all been ploughed away on that side). I've also posted an old aerial photo of this site, which makes the site look rectangular. This is the same shape for the structure marked on the old O.S. maps as the Ringstones, subheaded as supposedly Roman. Then again the map marks Hambledon pasture barrows as supposed Roman beacons, when they're clearly not. Confused? So am I.
treehugger-uk Posted by treehugger-uk
5th January 2004ce
Edited 3rd February 2004ce

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