The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Glenquicken Moor

Standing Stone / Menhir


Visited 08.07.23

Glenquicken Moor Standing Stone is located on Glenquicken Moor, N of Garrochar Tree Farm, c. 2 miles E of Creetown. Canmore ID 63672 describes the stone as a "thin broad whinstone slab". The stone's dimensions, taken from Canmore, are 3 feet 6 inches high by 3 feet 4 inches broad by 6 inches thick. The broad faces are on a NE-SW Axis.

The stone is hard to find in summer due to a sea of ferns. I walked c. 50 yards SSW from the rocky knoll at NX 51610 58608 to find the hidden stone.
Glenquicken Moor Standing Stone is difficult to access due to its proximity to Garrochar Tree Farm. The route to Glenquicken Moor Standing Stone is short but is tricky underfoot, over rough ground for half of it. A detour is required round Garrocher Tree Farm's high fences. My route is viewable on Glenquicken Moor Standing Stone.
Posted by markj99
13th July 2023ce
Edited 13th July 2023ce

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