The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Moss Knowes

Natural Rock Feature


Visited 27.05.23

Moss Knowes Rocking Stone is located in South Ayrshire, c. 0.5 mile W of the S end of Loch Ricawr in Galloway Forest Park. It is marked on OS Mapping. The rocking stone is a sub-rectangular stone measuring c. 10 x 5 x 5 feet. The long axis runs E-W. It is balanced on a large wedge-shaped boulder measuring c. 11 feet high by 15 feet wide in the SW side sloping down to 3 feet high in the NE side. A choke stone on the NE slope of the wedge-shaped boulder appears to have wedged the rocking stone in position. As a result, the rocking stone doesn't rock. It is unclear whether the choke stone is natural or a later addition by man.

Moss Knowes Rocking Stone is accessed via Carrick Forest Drive, which is currently closed to vehicles. A mountain bike is the best way to reach the rocking stone from the W terminus of Carrick Forest Drive at NX 41312 95695. Follow the Carrick Forest Drive for c. 1.7 miles to reach a right turn just before Loch Riecawr. Take the right turn heading S for c. 1.1 miles to reach Moss Knowes Rocking Stone. It is c. 25 yards SE of the forest track in an open area of felled forest.
Posted by markj99
28th May 2023ce
Edited 28th May 2023ce

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