The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian



Cairn-Mon-Earn (Cairn(s)) by thelonious 19/04/2023 - Cairn-Mon-Earn. Nice colours on the stones as the sun set.
thelonious Posted by thelonious
23rd April 2023ce
NB: Unless otherwise stated, this image is protected under the copyright of the original poster and may not be re-used without permission.

Comments (2)

We've had this discussion before... e.g Beinn na Caillich and South Black Hill cairn... but why obvious ancient cairns such as this aren't marked in antiquarian typeface up your way is beyond me. Are they suggesting since it's never been excavated it might be a walker's cairn? :-) GLADMAN Posted by GLADMAN
23rd April 2023ce
It's marked on older OS maps. Bit odd they stopped. thelonious Posted by thelonious
24th April 2023ce
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