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Carn Fawr (Cynwyl Gaeo)

Round Cairn

<b>Carn Fawr (Cynwyl Gaeo)</b>Posted by GLADMAN
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Carn Fawr (Cynwyl Gaeo) (Round Cairn) by GLADMAN Approaching from the southern/eastern arc is fraught with difficulties.... even during this 'dry season', the bog was industrial strength. So thought I 'd be smarter upon the return and stick to the fenceline - first to the east, then to the west. But to no avail. A steep northern ascent, or approach along the ridge to the west would appear the only dry-shod option. Still, a magnificent cairn worth a bootie or two.
GLADMAN Image Credit: Robert Gladstone
Posted by GLADMAN
3rd October 2021ce
Edited 3rd October 2021ce
NB: Unless otherwise stated, this image is protected under the copyright of the original poster and may not be re-used without permission.

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