The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Albersdorf 8

Burial Chamber


Albersdorf 8 (aka Megalithic tomb in the Papenbusch) is located on the eastern outskirts of Albersdorf north of the youth hostel in the spa gardens (Kurpark). The dolmen itself was located in a 0.95 m high round mound with a diameter of 13.5 m without the remains of a stone border. The site with a 1.1 m long and 0.55 m wide corridor was restored in 1946 as part of a follow-up examination.

In the middle of the mound was a chamber with the internal dimensions 2.4 × 1.2 m. Six approximately 1.8 m high bearing stones, two on the western, three on the eastern long side, and a block on the northern narrow side carried two cap stones, one of which is missing. The preserved capstone with two cup marks was not in situ on the pair of supporting stones on the access side.

To get to the tomb, drive on the L316 (Süderstraße) north through Albersdorf. On the northern end, there is a roundabout. Use the first exist and drive into the Bahnhofstraße. After about 350 m you'll reach on the left side the entry into the spa gardens (Kurpark). Park here and enter the park. Keeping to the left you pass the forest stage and after 250 m you should reach the information sign of the tomb.

P.S.: The image stabilizer on my camera didn't work properly on this tour, so some of my images are unfortunately out of focus. Sorry for that.

Visited June 2020
Nucleus Posted by Nucleus
4th October 2020ce
Edited 10th October 2020ce

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