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Seamer Beacon

Round Barrow(s)


Seamer Beacon can be seen from a fair distance from the south especially from the Starr Carr area about 5 miles away. Unfortunately Fitz failed to mention that at least some of the hill forms part of GCHQ Scarborough - I don't know where he parked but the entrance I found was less than welcoming ;-) A sign did state however that there was a 'permissive' path up the hill, it's actually a public footpath so yah boo sucks to GCHQ.
The stone folly will be Baron Albert's Tower which was built in the 19th century on the top of a levelled barrow. Hagworm Hill is about 44 metres in diameter and 3 metres high with a silted-up 2 metre wide ditch. When it was excavated in the 19th century several burials were found in stone lined cists, although I don't know whether the stone was left in the barrow or transported to a local museum. A excavation in the 1970s found more burials, sherds and flint, it also established that the barrow had an outer kerb of stones and a smaller internal stone ring. Could it be that these stones were Elgee's stone circle?
Chris Collyer Posted by Chris Collyer
18th July 2003ce
Edited 21st July 2003ce

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