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Dolmen / Quoit / Cromlech

Ciuledda (Dolmen / Quoit / Cromlech) by costaexpress Was wondering if I could move in, drape a bit of tarp over the front and there you go
Posted by costaexpress
26th October 2018ce
NB: Unless otherwise stated, this image is protected under the copyright of the original poster and may not be re-used without permission.

Comments (3)

This looks amazing perched on top of the bedrock underneath. How solid it would be compared to the structures the people who built it would be living in day to day. Rhiannon Posted by Rhiannon
27th October 2018ce
Interesting subject, why was Skara Brae so advanced compared to the mud and thatched hut dwellings we assume the rest of the UK and Europe was living in and why didn't others copy especially as we know our ancestors travelled far more widely than first thought. Posted by costaexpress
28th October 2018ce
Dunno, but Egypt had recorded kings, a style of representative art and a writing system that would last another 3000 years when Newgrange was being built. They might well have lived in huts though. thesweetcheat Posted by thesweetcheat
28th October 2018ce
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