Walked to the Hoarstones from Mitchell's fold today. From Mitchell's Fold go up Stapley Hill from one cairn to the next and then down to the wood. The path skirts the wood to the right and then there is a sty to enter the wood at Black Marsh and cut across its bottom corner. Then you come out over a sleeper, ditch bridge into a field and you see another sleeper and sty on your left into the next field, marked permissive path. Then carry along across this field keeping wood close to left. And it's next field but look to bottom of field on your right, middle way along. You can see it on other side of field from wood as you're coming along. The ground looks raised and uncleared and you see the stones amongst it.
We then tried to carry on and hook up with Stapley trail back through wood but went wrong and retraced our steps and went back the way we came which is easiest. About 45 mins one way and well worth it. Very doable.
Nice one