The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

High Park Farm

Round Barrow(s)


Visited 1.8.15

A short distance south-west of Loose Howe.
On the opposite side of the A171.

There are two barrows showing on the O/S map here. The first one you come to I couldn't see any trace of. Which perhaps isn't surprising as E.H. state it is only 0.4m high at the time of their last inspection. Probably ploughed out by now?

The second barrow is much more prominent and easy to spot a little further down the minor road. It is in a field of sheep and has clearly be dug into at some point in the past. It is now a rough grassed mound. Although there is a barbed wire fence around the field access is easy thanks to a helpfully position wooden field gate. There are extensive moorland views to be had from the barrow. Whilst there we watched a bird of prey sat on a wooden fence post before it majestically flew off nto the yonder. E.H state this barrow is 1.6m high x 24m in diameter.
Posted by CARL
2nd August 2015ce

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