The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Cranbourne Wood Long Barrow

Long Barrow


Details of long barrow on Pastscape

[SU 4893 4247] A long barrow, situated in the angle between the Andover to Basingstoke road and the track to Cranbourne Wood, has a mound 210 ft long and 100 ft wide. It is 4 ft high at the east end and is under grass. Found by Mr. Grinsell in September 1938. A long barrow, orientated 133o Mag., 69.0m. long from its SE end to the field fence, 32.0m. wide, and 1.2m. high at the SE end. The northern flank ditch is 7.0m. wide and 0.2m. deep; the ditch is visible on the south, buit not surveyable. On A.Ps. CPE/UK/1873/3009-10 the ditch appears to go round the SE end. The barrow, under grass, is on high ground at the end of a spur. (3)
Chance Posted by Chance
7th June 2014ce

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