I recently tried to occupy a hyperactive 18 month old with Buxton Museum, then got very distracted and decided to a take a few photos for here instead. The 18 month old did not approve so apologies for the slightly blurry photos towards the end :)
I've tried to lay these out in the approximate order they are in the museum which is kinda chronological within arbitrary time periods. Dating governed entirely by the labels. It does unfortunately mean finds from multi-period sites which range from iron age to palaeolithic are separate but gives a good idea of artefacts from similar ages.
Iron age:
Late Bronze age bronze implements:
Probable Bronze Age:
Bronze Age:
Early Bronze Age:
Late Neolithic - Early Bronze Age:
Late Neolithic:
(I have a few axe images for Derbyshire to upload into this section as well...)
Earlier Neolithic:
Shown at this point are two plans of lismore fields which I have combined:
Late Mesolithic:
Late upper Palaeolithic:
Middle Palaeolithic:
Posted by juamei
20th January 2014ce
Edited 26th January 2014ce
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