The Modern Antiquarian. Stone Circles, Ancient Sites, Neolithic Monuments, Ancient Monuments, Prehistoric Sites, Megalithic MysteriesThe Modern Antiquarian

Witches Stone (Monzie)

Standing Stone / Menhir


If you go to the local municipal buildings in Creiff and look up unusual laws and charters, you'll find it's actually illegal to not visit this stone if your visiting the circle and rock art.
But it is no hardship, it is only a minutes bike ride down the lane towards the castle.
The stone, about five foot tall, has weird striations, strange patterns on it from when the rock was formed. The world has been doing rock art for billions of years.
Most of the surroundings here are agricultural in nature, but the hills are not far away, The Knock of Creiff is very close, and off in the distant west are the mountains that surround Loch Earn, like Ben Vorlich and Beinn Leabhain.
Remember if your here to see the circle it is an offence not to go and see the Witches stone, which stone , that one there.
Sorry, that was lie.
postman Posted by postman
23rd July 2013ce
Edited 23rd July 2013ce

Comments (3)

haha, classic. Evergreen Dazed Posted by Evergreen Dazed
23rd July 2013ce
:) very good. thesweetcheat Posted by thesweetcheat
23rd July 2013ce
Why, thankyou kindly. postman Posted by postman
23rd July 2013ce
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