Details of site on Pastscape
Monument No. 1099688
A pit of Mesolithic date encountered during excvations in the car park at Stonehenge in 1988-9. The feature appears to have been dug initially as a post pit, similar to features excavated further to the west in the 1960s (SU 14 SW 156). The fill and profile also demonstrate an episode of recutting and backfilling, perhaps associated with removal of the post. Mesolithic post holes, particularly of this size, are uncommon, and the occurrence of a group of four or five (see SU 14 SW 156) represents a structure or structures with no direct parallels in the British Mesolithic.
(1) Rosamund M J Cleal, K E Walker and R Montague ... [et al] 1995 Stonehenge in its landscape : twentieth-century excavations English Heritage archaeological reports [new series]1 (1994) - 10 Page(s)41-62, 470-3
Posted by Chance
22nd September 2012ce