In Lhan Hammwich Parish, there is an ancient Monument commonly call'd Ty Ilhtud or St. Iltut's Hermitage. It stands on the top of a hill, not far from the Church; and is composed of four large Stones somewhat of a flat form, altogether rude and unpolish'd. Three of which are so pitch'd in the ground, and the fourth laid on the top for a cover, that they make an oblong square Hut, open at the one end; about eight foot long, four wide, and near the same height. Having entered it, I found the two side Stones thus inscrib'd with variety of Crosses.From the third edition of Camden's Britannia (I think partly the added notes), from 1753.
I suppose this Cell, notwithstanding the crosses and the name, to have been erected in the time of Paganism; for that I have elsewhere observ'd such Monuments plac'd in the center of circles of stones, somewhat like that at Rolrich in Oxfordshire. And though ther eis not at present such a circle about this; yet I have grounds to suspect that they may have been carried off, and applied to some use. for there has been one remov'd very lately, which stood within a few paces of this Cell, and was call'd Maen Ilhtud; and there are some Stones still remaining there.