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Passage Grave


Bremore - New port threat still there

Bremore. Quo Vadis

By Gordon Kingston, Heritage Action

By 2007 Ireland's booming economy and growth in demand for construction materials, was causing increased capacity pressure at the ten ports along its Eastern seaboard. One obvious consequence of this was the "Port Tunnel", a new access to the largest port, in Dublin, which was constructed at enormous public expense, €752 million, to ease the traffic congestion caused by heavy goods vehicles in the city. A further modification proposed to address the capacity problem was an expansion of the port, a concept requiring the infilling of 52 acres of Dublin Bay. This idea, initially suggested in 1988, is currently under consideration by An Bord Pleanala.

In the meantime Drogheda Port Company came up with its own proposal, a new large-capacity, deep water port at Bremore and entered into a government-approved joint venture for the project with Castle Market Holdings Ltd.. Castle Market Holdings is owned, via Real Estate Opportunities Ltd., by Richard Barrett and Johnny Ronan's Treasury Holdings, one of the largest developers in Ireland and a company with a long track record of "unwillingness to back down in the face of legal threats.....

read on.......
moss Posted by moss
26th October 2009ce

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