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Further wanderings
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Hello all again

Our (myself and Mrs Daredevil) meander through megalithic sites continued today and so I just thought I'd pop on to provide our travels once again.

Not a massively ambitious trip today but we took in 3 very different sites which filled us both with degrees of wonder awe and a deep seated calm.

We arrived first at the nine ladies to find what I can only presume (now having read the website - I really should research PRIOR to trips shouldn't I) were the protestors still there protecting the most serene circle from the greedheads. I wish I had known because I would have taken provisions etc and stayed longer to speak. I found the ladies to be truely haunting and was moved to hug each stone and then sit in the middle for some time (poor Mrs Daredevil eh?!)

The whole setting and walk was only spoilt by the encroaching quarrying but the walk from the road through the small woodland path surrounded by beautiful flowers and smells was very special.

We then moved on to the Andle Stone which Mrs Daredevil was highly moved by. We could only speculate its use and purpose and the surrounding scenery when it was first 'used'. Unforunately (bad planning as usual - I will get good at this, I swear) we did not have an OS map with us so did not find Doll Tor (although its reconstruction does look a little shoddy) or several other sites in the region - next time.

Finally we went to Arbor Low which reminded me intensly (not just in position but also aspect) of the Uffington site but was also very serene and calming.

The thing that has amazed me on our travels so far has been the general (pulik) interest that these sites have. Sure, Uffington, Avebury, Silbury etc but the likes of today's sites and Wayland's Smithy are not exactly high tourist atttractions but had a steady flow of people throughout the time we shared with them.

This pleases me.

Anyway, that was today - hope all is well in your domains and will let you know of future rambles.



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Posted by Daredevil
27th August 2001ce

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Re: Further wanderings (Scott7)

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