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Re: Sod google ask yourself
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lawrence2 wrote:
Frankly I don't care what those tin-foil hat people think. I'll get the vacc when it's available.

Fuck I'm getting increasingly pissed-off at what this is becoming. Anything from legit news sources have somehow become a CIA plot. Well the US Capital has nearly been taken over by hate groups (one of them worshipping that dirty tyrant Pinochet) and somehow Trump being voted out is a CIA plot. Personally if they killed Kennedy why didn't they get rid of that scumbag Trump in the first place?

This place has been taken over by tin-foil hat people.

The capital wasn't "nearly taken over" by anyone. Segments of a disorganized mob stormed the capital and got in due to lack of security, and once they got in, had no idea what to do. There was no plan on how to hold power, stage a coup, etc. For examples of what a coup looks like, please examine the many coups organized by the US government. (Including the one against Allende that brought Pinochet to power).

As for "credible news sources," there is a wealth of easily available information on the link between the CIA and Google / Facebook; you may want to look into that and consider the implications, unless you've decided that the same CIA who brought Pinochet to power are now suddenly the "good guys", protecting us from irrelevant "threats" such as the Proud Boys, etc.

As for Wikipedia, supposedly a neutral crowd-sourced platform for info, the Swiss Policy Research group recently did a great expose:
Naturally, if you look up Swiss Policy Research on Wikipedia you will see it labeled as a conspiracy site! :-)

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Posted by phallus dei
2nd February 2021ce

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Re: Sod google ask yourself (lawrence2)

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Re: Sod google ask yourself (lawrence2)

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