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Re: From Twitter
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tjj wrote:
drewbhoy wrote:

And Scotland will be ignored again :-(

I think that would be hard to do Drew. I can understand why Scotland wants independence but struggle to see how it would work in you stayed in the EU while England and Wales left. I know it is historic treaty but Scotland signed the Treaty of Union way back when
so they need permission from Westminster to hold another referendum - BJ ain't going to give it because it would break up the UK.

Northern Ireland, however, did not sign such a treaty so I suspect a United Ireland will happen first by means of a border poll, the reunification of Ireland - time will tell. I hope it is a peaceful transition.

Great Britain hasn't existed since 1801.

The whole canon of English Law was suspended in 1706. It was never re-introduced. Scots law continued.

One nation in a temporary political Union does NOT have to ask the other Nation for permission to hold a referendum on their future. That isn't any kind of Union. The settled will of the people decides. That's politics and the whole of the Law.

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Howburn Digger
Posted by Howburn Digger
4th January 2020ce

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Re: From Twitter (tjj)

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