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Re: Mudlark finds Neolithic skull by Thames
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Not been to London fer years, but think Museum of London is up near the Barbican.

Amil04, over Xmas I was hooked on a few of those mudlark channels on youtwat. I was amazed by what gets turned up. Parts of skulls turned up fairly regularly in various forms on different channels (ditto firearms??), pretty much all turned out to be 'oldish', as in not immediately recent. Guess a lot of Victorian 'accidents' and a fair few poor souls caught up in the Blitz.
It Was the age of the the above one that struck me. Chance in a million find it being so old, and I guess uncovered by a 'lucky' seasonal tide with a lucky person mooching about on the foreshore at the right time.

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Posted by Monganaut
20th February 2019ce

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