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Re: Less and less dignity
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Howburn Digger wrote:
nigelswift wrote:

No but I've seen the results of some of them dead varmints at his feet.

Foxes love chicken and lamb. People love chicken and lamb. There will be conflict. At least they don't get ripped apart by dogs anymore or bummed by toffs in scarlet or pink hunting outfits.

So before this thread descends into a dead fox cub love in... has anyone else read this and tried to keep abreast of this incredible titbit of weirdness?[...]audi-prince-1.3083586?mode=amp

It is mired in the Tory election expenses scandal from 2015 which (Theresa) may (or Theresa) may not have had something to do with the timing of her surprise snap election omnishambles and the CPS fingers pointing directly at senior tory advisers who have resigned over the last few days. CPS prosecutions were announced on the day of Theresa's surprise announcement in April and legal proceedings timed to begin on Election Day last week.[...]-escape-tory-expenses-scandal/

Having the new 2017 election result would put paid to any legal notions of being forced to re-run the 2015 fraud-ridden Tory Campaign with fresh by-elections.
She was forced into a corner and made to shit in her own handbag. Lovely. As this clustertug of Tory wankers and DUP nutjobs continues it is lining up to be the most ridiculous political situation this country has ever witnessed. I feel like ordering her a spade from Argos and telling her to start digging graves.

And what about Cambridge Analytics..a professional software company bombarding Facebook waverers with pro brexit propaganda...who paid them to do it? AKA Cambridge Data Analytics. Election fraud.
I don't feel at all sorry for this woman; why should I? The vultures circling her that she must be stupid enough to believe may be loyal.How nauseating & pathetic are these wankers. It's shoddy, embarassing & completely & utterly self obsessed; & they try to tell us they care for the country. Meanwhile we'll potentially threaten the Good Friday agreement, gay rights, women's freedom of choice, the environment & Darwin's theory of evolution. It's disgusting. And she's reappointed fucking Gove. And, what's next, Boris? Jesus, Trump & Boris. I've said it before we are de evolving.

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Posted by carol27
12th June 2017ce

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Re: Less and less dignity (Howburn Digger)

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Re: Less and less dignity (drewbhoy)

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