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nigelswift wrote:
thesweetcheat wrote:

Can't say I'd blame anyone. I'm disgusted with the English, despite being one. England has become horribly insular, xenophobic, selfish and self-centred, evidenced by the way the last GE went as much as anything.

Yep. A lot of it.
Actually, it's a massive historic change. Millions and millions of people are utterly pissed off with their fellow countrymen in a way that won't get mended and ironically just want to leave.

Dear Scotland,
If you leave can I please buy citizenship?

I just don't get all this division - or witness it on daily basis. England and the 'English' (whoever they are) are much maligned but England is the part of the UK refugees and economic migrants look to to give them sanctuary and a better way of life. In 2011 there were over 63 million people living in the UK, 53 million of whom live in England, almost 84 percent of the total population. Of course Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland can take the moral high ground if they wish. I imagine the population of England has increased in the past five years. It is no longer a country to grow old in, old people will soon be encouraged to shuffle off the mortal coil by their own hand so as not to be a burden on society or their hard pressed offspring. What a state of affairs - large sections of the population feel powerless to do anything about the decline of everything they previously took for granted. We need a massive injection of good will and love to our neighbours and fellows. And I'm not coming from any religious ethos by saying that. Perhaps the 'get-togethers' suggested by the family of Jo Cox to mark the first anniversary of her murder may help. It was the murder of Jo Cox that made me fully realise the correct course was to vote remain IN the EU and the nasty right-wing element which brought down that good woman needs to be fought at every turn. In or Out we have to become a kinder society - its the only way to survive the turmoil of the coming years.

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Posted by tjj
22nd February 2017ce

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Re: HEY REMAINERS LET IT GO !!!!!! (nigelswift)

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