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If the UK turns round and says, we've consulted the people on the deal and they've decided that on balance we'd rather stay in the EU, don't you think the EU would do anything they could to accommodate that? The EU does not want the UK to leave. The cost and trouble of wasted negotiations is a tiny fraction of the cost the economic effect the UK leaving the EU would have.

As for the idea that post-Brexit a Tory government will "enshrine" those EU laws for ever more? Seriously? This government will do whatever it can to reduce and undermine employment laws and human rights legislation. And do you really think they wouldn't kick out the EU workers if they thought it would win votes from the xenophobes who form much of their core support? Besides which, no general election until 2020, and no sign of Labour winning then, so don't imagine that post-Brexit May and Co will simply resign and hand the keys to Jeremy Corbyn (or whoever is the leader by then).

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Posted by thesweetcheat
19th February 2017ce

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Re: HEY REMAINERS!!!!!! (sanshee)

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HEY REMAINERS LET IT GO !!!!!! (nigelswift)

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