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Sorry if I seemed like a jerk in my previous comment. Probably debating over the internet adds an unintended stridency to my posts. I don't know if I have any "natural proclivity" towards debate, though I do feel strongly about world affairs. And one of the things that woke me up, all those years ago (back in high school for me), was probably the same thing that spoke to a lot of us here - Cope's incredibly detailed and inspiring liner notes for Peggy, Jehovahkill, etc. Stuff like that made me eager to learn. I still remember that amazing quote in Peggy Suicide - Cope referring to a professor who said something like, "It's the duty of every citizen to know when to obey and disobey their government." (Wow, I just realized that I was 15 when I read that... and 41 now.) As I got older I came to realize that I didn't have any real skill in music or art; though, like everyone else, I was able to think, to feel, to judge. That's all debate is to me. Maybe I'm wrong about everything. But as a fellow human living in these dangerous times, I have the responsibility to give the "best opinion" I can. Maybe together, we'll figure things out.

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Posted by phallus dei
19th February 2017ce

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Re: HEY REMAINERS!!!!!! (Sin Agog)

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