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Well, personally, it takes a huge amount of effort to drag myself into the present. I'm more of a stuffy history professor and [in]fantasist at heart, so whenever I'm forced to debate about geopolitical this and thats it's always like pulling teeth trying to form an opinion, which basically ends up being a gut reaction expounded into words. I will say that I have actually paraphrased some of what you've said about various neocon figureheads in person a few times lately after it gave me pause for thought. Maybe you were born with a personal proclivity towards intense debate and poring over the minutiae of world events, and to expect everyone else to suddenly develop a nature foreign to them is a tad unfair?

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Posted by Sin Agog
18th February 2017ce

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Re: HEY REMAINERS!!!!!! (phallus dei)

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Re: HEY REMAINERS!!!!!! (phallus dei)

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