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Maiden Castle (Dorchester)
Re: Phallus for the gods?
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Evergreen Dazed wrote:
tjj wrote:
nigelswift wrote:
Really cool. And it had the extra benefit of prompting me to read Thom's original[...]der-thom-ancient-monuments.php

Thanks Nigel, I did recognise the opening lines of that poem though had forgotten it was written by Alexander Thom (the master of alignments). A pleasure to read again, still evocative of something hidden from plain view - our lost landscape, there but so often not seen.

Hi tjj, it was written by John Ormond but a few of the lines are thought to be Thoms.[...]ohead/tma/topic/23046/flat/520

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Posted by tiompan
22nd July 2016ce

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Re: Phallus for the gods? (Evergreen Dazed)

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