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Maiden Castle (Dorchester)
Re: Phallus for the gods?
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Evergreen Dazed wrote:
Node repairing, superb.

Does a bloke turn up in a battered white transit.

'Oooh.. wot a fackin mess.." pushes hat back and scratches head.
'who done this? Druids was it? Neo shaman?' Gets out rods and walks around.
'Well, it's all got to come out and be properly aligned. It's yer dragon path innit, see, look at that, should be straight that, it's all over the fackin shop. I'll prop it up for now, but it's a big job.'
'yeah, tea would be lovely, raspberry & lavender, 15 sugars, cheers love'.

"Fixing a hole " probably brought back memories for the producer .

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Posted by tiompan
22nd July 2016ce

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Re: Phallus for the gods? (Evergreen Dazed)

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Re: Phallus for the gods? (Evergreen Dazed)

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