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Re: I'm so confused.....
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That's another thing that gets ignored in the backstory for the awful atrocities that went down in France. They made a point of banning the use of the burqa in France, ostensibly for it being an affront to free womanhood, when in reality there were barely a couple of hundred Muslim women who wore them in the whole country at the time. Thus it was really an act of institutionalised discrimination- a petty fuck you by making a grandiose gesture against a non-existent problem. Couple things like that with a really vehement, intense hatred of all things Islamic from both sides of the political spectrum that's only mounted over the years, and the atrocities seem less nihilistic than is generally made out.

Personally, the west's credo of indoctrinating women into painting themselves and transforming themselves into objects for the male gaze seems equally as harrowing, though obviously not as bad as a good deal of women's treatment in some Islamic countries.

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Posted by Sin Agog
22nd November 2015ce

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Re: I'm so confused..... (Captain Starlet)

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