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Re: I'm so confused.....
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baza wrote:
He seems to me to be intelligent enough to be against a religion which states in it's most holy book, over and over again, that he should die.

The vexed issues of the 'sword verses' and the Sharia punishment for apostasy are topics that I happen to be looking into right now. What I am curious about is the approach taken by Muslim intellectuals. Here I am thinking of academics like Khaled Abou El-Fadl, Abdulaziz Sachedina, and Asma Afsaruddin.

Unfortunately,although I have acquired the relevant books and am working my way through them, I am still about a month away from completing this research. Plus, my working week is about 55 to 60 hours at present, which limits my time to get through this material and to maintain any kind of presence here.

However, if I get the chance, I might attempt a potted summary at some point. It certainly won't be any kind of apologetic exercise: if I'm not impressed by what this trio have to say, I'll say so.

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Posted by Lump Of Green Slime
21st November 2015ce

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Re: I'm so confused..... (baza)

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