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Re: I'm so confused.....
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baza wrote:
Captain Starlet wrote:

If it's based on a misunderstanding of a text it wasn't really going to be worthwhile.

EDIT: If people only pay attention to a perceived negative it's pointless talking about it as those people never want to listen.

To answer your first point, how do you know if it is based on the misunderstanding of a text, or not?

Secondly, thanks for pointing out I have only paid attention to a perceived negative and that I never want to listen.

This is ridiculous, I bow to your obviously far superior intelligence and will no longer attempt to engage you in a serious debate.

Oh, is that what you were trying to do? Have you ever read the Qur'an? I have, a number of times over many, many years of study. Judging by your first comment it seems obvious that you've already made your mind up about a religion you clearly know nothing about, trying to point out the obvious and glaring errors would be a waste of my time as you're not interested in that, but just harassing someone online.

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Posted by Captain Starlet
21st November 2015ce

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Re: I'm so confused..... (baza)

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Re: I'm so confused..... (Captain Starlet)
Re: I'm so confused..... (billding68)

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