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Re: I'm so confused.....
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Captain Starlet wrote:
billding68 wrote:
Julian Cope said....
The return of incredibly patriarchal religions. I don’t mean that about Islam because everyone knows I’m totally anti-Islam.
He is also anti Christianity to be fair but all you protectors of the faith of Islam you do realize that you are at a site that is dedicated to a man who is a Against the religion of Islam...Right? So by supporting Mr. Cope you are helping support his anti Islam agenda(haha) so for that I thank you. Perhaps some of you did not realize this again Julian said...
The return of incredibly patriarchal religions. I don’t mean that about Islam because everyone knows I’m totally anti-Islam.

I'm fully aware of Cope's opinion of Islam, it's not an opinion I take seriously as I don't consider his opinion to be an educated or expert one. I studied religion to gain an educated and unbiased opinion of religious ideas. So although Cope's perfectly entitled to his opinion on religion I'm more than happy to discuss religion as it may enlighten someone who believes it's responsible for all the world's ills

I consider him to be a very intelligent man...

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Posted by billding68
21st November 2015ce

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Re: I'm so confused..... (Captain Starlet)

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